Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEuropePro-Russian KillNet Targets NATO Infrastructure and Breaches Security

Pro-Russian KillNet Targets NATO Infrastructure and Breaches Security

KillNet, a pro-Russian hacker group, has claimed responsibility for a series of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on NATO’s cyberinfrastructure, claiming to result in the “paralysis” of 40% of the NATO electronic infrastructure for a period of time.

In addition to the DDoS attacks, the cyber outfit breached NATO’s security to steal sensitive data, including email addresses and plain-text passwords.

KillNet confirmed their responsibility for the attacks and data breach via their Telegram, where they also listed their targets and leaked the stolen data, including NATO email addresses and passwords, which were allegedly stolen from NATO School Oberammergau (NSO).

What’s more, the group also shared a screenshot showing that it had used the stolen login credentials to register 150 email addresses on a gay dating portal in Kyiv and Moldova.

This is not the first time KillNet has targeted NATO’s infrastructure, in February, the hackers claimed responsibility for DDoS attacks, which took down the website of NATO Special Operations Headquarters and the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) among others.

Hacktivism to cyberwarfare

KillNet first emerged as a counter-attack force against the hacktivist group Anonymous during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Since then, it has targeted private businesses and critical government websites worldwide, including the United Kingdom and Lithuania, among others.

In December 2021, the group claimed responsibility for stealing data from FBI agents and in August 2022, it claimed to have stolen employee data from Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT), a leading defense contractor.

The group’s tactics are not surprising, given that both sides in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine have been utilising social engineering techniques in their efforts to gain an advantage over each other.

Last week, Ukrainian hacktivists successfully extracted personal and Russian military-related details by luring Russian military wives into a “patriotic photoshoot”.

Source : Proactive



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