Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeGermanyGermany Deplores Military Coup in Gabon

Germany Deplores Military Coup in Gabon

Germany has expressed concern over the military coup in Gabon and called for a return to democratic order.

“We are following the events in Gabon with concern, and monitoring the situation in close coordination with our partners,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman said late Wednesday.

The statement came after a group of military officers seized power in the Central African country, annulled the results of Saturday’s election, and put President Ali Bongo under house arrest.

“Even if there are legitimate criticisms of the transparency and legality of the recent elections, it is not up to the military to intervene in the political process with violence,” the German spokesman said.

“The Gabonese must be able to decide freely and on their own about their future,” he added.

The coup followed the announcement of official results by the Gabonese Election Center, showing Bongo winning a third term in office with 64.27% of the votes.

Gabon is the latest country in Africa to experience a military takeover after members of Niger’s military seized power late last month.

Source: AA



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